At the beginning of 2016, I posted a list of 6 goals that I wanted to complete in the year. To be honest, this is the first time I'm checking in to see where I am. But I've tried to keep my goals in the back of my mind, so let's see where I'm at!
1. Complete the Whole 30 program. Check! I finished this back in January. I'm thinking about doing another one!
2. Buy a house. Check! We closed on our house at the end of March, so this is another goal to cross of my list.
3. Visit a state park every month. This is a goal that I've forgotten about. In my mind, it was to go to 12 state parks for the year and going once a month would have made that easier. Unfortunately, with all the house stuff and now that it's so hot, I haven't even been to one park yet. But I still want to try. I really want to get out and enjoy what Arizona has to offer, so I'm going to start making this more of a priorty.
4. Hike/walk 500 miles in the year. For this goal, the miles I wanted to count were miles that I actually went out to get, not just my every day walking around miles. According to my Fitbit my everyday miles are at 467.03. However, my intentional hiking and walking miles are only 25.39! This is another goal that is really important to me, but I've let excuses get in the way. I think if I work really hard that I can still get 475 more intentional miles done!
5. Read of 30 minutes a day. This is a goal that I've managed to keep up. I want to read 16 books this year and thought reading for 30 minutes a day could help me get there and it definitely has. So far, I've read 13 books and I'm on number 14. I know I haven't read every single day, but it's hard for me to stop once I start reading. I usually go way past 30 minutes. So I'm letting the days I went over 30 minutes fill in for the days I missed.
6. Keep up with my weekly scrapbook. I've done okay that this goal so far, but I'm currently behind. Luckily, I will be able to get caught up easily and continue on track for the rest of the year.
I've had a lot of fun with these goals so far. I tried to keep them pretty easy this year, so I didn't get stressed out and drop them like I usually do. I focused on goals that will help me build better habits while completing things that I want to do, like scrapbooking regularly and reading daily. If you're checking in with your goals too, remember that it's going to be flexible with yourself. If you have a goal that you realize is too hard of the year, extend your deadline or make the goal more realistic. If you find that the goal isn't important to you, drop it and start one that makes you excited. Let days that you missed go and keep working. Or use days that you did extra fill in for the days you missed. They are your goals, so that them work with your lifestyle and where you are now.
How are your 2016 goals going? What have you checked off? And what do you still have to accomplish? I'd love to hear! xo. Laura