On Being 22

(via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)

22. What a weird age. For me at least. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fun year. But, there were many challenges that happened a long the way. Finishing college. Moving out of my parents house (and in with a boy!). Figuring out rent while being a new post-grad. These were all great things, but hard. It’s hard to be 22. Everyone starts expecting more. A career. A house. A nicer car. Maybe that’s just true in my life, but everyone asks, “What’s next?” And I didn’t know. Still don’t really.

For me, it’s been the age where I really started to try and grow up. Like getting rid of the clothes in my closet from high school. It’s an age when transitioning from adolescent to adult starts happening. Which, again, is hard. It’s difficult to act like an adult when I’m still figuring out what that means. It’s even harder to earn the respect as an adult from others, when I don’t feel confident enough to call myself that.

I’ve seen some comments on my last post about how many people are going through or have recently gone through the same feelings. And I’m so glad that there are others that can relate. I’ve heard many bloggers talk about what a weird time this age was for them and that it gets easier. That it’s a time to grow and learn and discover who you are and what you’d like out of life. And I’m definitely working at that.

That being said, 22 was still great. I was able to travel to many great places, like Trinidad and Tobago, Idaho, and Disneyland! I hunted for ghosts with my dad and sister in Jerome. I graduated from ASU with a bachelors in sustainability. I finished three quilts. I moved into a cute, little house with Grant. Grant and I celebrated dating for three years. I saw snow fall for the first time. And I worked hard on my birthday list and scrapbook, but unfortunately didn’t finish the list.

A lot happened this past year. I’m so thankful for all the opportunities I had and all my friends and family who helped make it all happen. In no order, here are some of my favorite snapshots from the past year. xo. Laura

Trinidad (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
new home (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
(via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
after ikea (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
Jerome, AZ (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
cactus (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
Trinidad (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
graduation (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
Grant in Idaho (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
Idaho (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
Laura in snow (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)
Disneyland (via www.laurahager.blogspot.com)

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